Wednesday, July 25, 2012

DSDN 104: First Experiments With Creating!

So I've been experimenting with creating some objects while watching the essential tutorials in 3ds Max, and my very first creation was something akin to a robot head.It's kind of tricky, but I think I'm getting my head around how it works. I love the real-time light rendering. It's lots of fun to play with. 

I formed the head out of a rectangular prism, and then controlled the individual points of the prism to extend out the sides of the head and form the shape. In then extruded the eye shapes back into the head and set lights in the eyes to illuminate the edges.
I'm quite pleased with the head!

This was my little rendering experiment. I added an additional little light aimed at the front of the face, or else when it rendered, the lights were the only thing that showed up in the darkness. I textured the face, which was quite cool too and gave it some depth.
Lots of fun for a first time using it!! 

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