Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DSDN 104: Preliminary Test Sketches

In Digital Creation, we were told to try and dissect and then visually represent words. We were told to represent them however we wanted, but the words could only be adjectives, verbs or nouns.

At first I didn't quite grasp exactly what was expected of us, and I created running. However, rather than representing it as a single object or concept, it became a far more explosive, incoherent mess. I tried to capture the idea of vectors, direction, speed, escape, victory, magnitude all in one. Rather than trying to visualize the concept as a whole, it's more a layering of different vectors and concepts, so yeah, not the best.

For love, I had a better concept and idea of what needed to be done, however, as suggested by my tutor, I didn't narrow down the specific sort of love exactly enough. Again, it wasn't a shape or form of sorts. It was all about interconnects and comparisons, as opposed to form, but I'm getting there!

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