Monday, August 20, 2012

DSDN 104: First Physical Translation!

So, it's pretty rough, but the essence of the model is relatively well conveyed. The curvature was also relatively well translated for a first effort.

I translated the model into Illustrator, and then adjusted all of the pieces so that they were fully opaque. This would allow me to easily translate the model into reality.

The edges are very jagged, but that was interestingly what was translated in the printing details. I think, to really convey how my model not only technically is, but also how it is meant to feel.

So, for the next model, I want to try and smooth the edges a bit, so that more of the curvature comes through in the model.

For the final, I definitely want to combine both the card and the acrylic into a harmonious whole.

I had an idea for a way of stacking the model, so that there is a distinct use of positive and negative space to generate the form of my model. I'll definitely be providing some more intel on that soon!

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