Monday, August 6, 2012

DSDN 112: Sensory Boards

Sensory boards are fun. Essentially, when you strip it back to what it is, what I want to make is a sensory board. There's lots of photos of babies and toddlers playing with sensory boards, but I thought putting one of those up on my blog might be a little bit freaky and weird. I'd probably get traced down and arrested.

But yeah, these are so much fun! And so colourful!
Usually children just sit with these things in their laps or on the ground and touch all the different surfaces. Essentially this is what I want to do to, but with more of a grown-up and designy-type approach, along with the more advanced element of rubbing your face against it.
The materials I'm looking at using are things like: (in order of touch sequence)

-Thick aluminium wire (To provide the uncomfortable surface [Breaking trust])
-Aluminium sheeting (To provide a cold surface [Breaking trust])
-Faux-fur/ Wool (Soft relief [Reaffirming trust])
-Wood (Neutral, interest material)
-Metal pins/beads (Interesting texture)
-Old cloth/microfiber (Soft relief)
-Paper (Coarse sensation)
-Foam (Odd, synthetic sensation)
-Thin wire (Weird sensation)
-Almunium sheeting (Cold, wavy finish)

I think this could be really cool!

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