Wednesday, August 15, 2012

DSDN 142: Inspiration For The New Project

So our new project is all about Structure & Noise, and how they interrelate. We have to create code to generate a series of four images, showing the progression of structure to noise through the four images.

I found some images that I'd really like to explore as possibilities for some coding shapes and structures.

I really love the blue hues and slightly variable colour values for the different raindrop-like shapes. I'm not sure how easy it would be to make raindrop-shaped patterns, but it must be doable.

I love the way that leaves "fractally" cover a surface area, and the apparent, well-known structure really appeals to me in that way. However, I have a feeling that I'd far rather go for something geometric that starts out as structure, and then decays into noise.

What I really want to take from these two is the colour shift. The whole concept of summer turning into autumn. The structure of the leaves on the tree in summer decaying into another quarter-cycle with a whole new colour palette really appeals to me!

I'll definitely be trying out both of these colour sets in my experimentation.

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