Friday, October 19, 2012

DSDN 112: An Update On The Actors...

So, today one of my friends, Skye [whose blog is here] offered to star in my Oscar-worthy film. So now she's going to be the main actress, and I will be playing the cardboard android. Fun, fun, fun!

The cardboard android is looking very shit, which is exactly what I'm trying to achieve. Another element that I created is the projection device which is also made out of cardboard, because it's a crap future. While I initially made it so that I can track the points I need for my special effects, I decided it would be quite nice to feature in the film because it looks so crap.

Another friend of mine, Mark [whose blog is here] has offered to do the camera work for my film, which is an extremely generous offer. So now I have myself as the supporting actor/director/cinematographer, Skye as the main actress, and Mark as the camera man. It's a full crew on the most budget film ever!

Scavenged cardboard, rubber bands, old wire, sorted.

Crap stuff. It's the future! Crap stuff everywhere!

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