Saturday, April 12, 2014

INDN 341: Form Explorations

Now that I'm inching ever closer to the point of no return for this project, it's really nice to start deciding on a form that I can be really excited about. After pottering around with random pure-function forms, it's nice to start getting into the parts that I really enjoy. I'm getting better at my sketching, and am also beginning to enjoy it more. I now see it less as a means to an end, and more of a tool for progressive expression.

There's something quite nice about the slightness and the simple functionality of a crane, so I decided to use that as the inspiration for my form for this section. The ability for the crane to assume multiple positions however isn't something I'm imitating. I'm just going to take the form and then apply it to my idea.

I think this form idea has a lot of merit and could prove to be very beautiful if finished in the right way. Planning out my sizes, I then jumped from the sketchbook to the CAD program, and started mocking up the form in a way that I thought would work.

After tinkering with the CAD file, I then decided to get some renders done. To my satisfaction, the renders worked out beautifully, and I really like the way they fit together. If there's one thing that first year taught me well, it was how to render.

Obviously the final proof of concept won't look like this, and also won't be so empty. For starters I'll be making the mock-up model out of pine, and the CAD models are also missing all the gear that would be mounted onto the crane. That's why the whole set-up doesn't do my idea complete justice. The holes and rods are going to be connected to each other via cable/rope of some kind.

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